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Your Team

Medical Primary Care Services

Most primary health care services are provided by our inhouse general practitioners (GPs), Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and registered nurses (RNs). The whole team works collectively to achieve optimal patient care.

GP Triage for Urgent Care

Our GP triage system helps optimise the allocation of resources, reduces wait times for patients, and ensures that those with the most pressing healthcare needs receive timely and appropriate care and support.

Patient and Whānau-centred Care

All our patients receive quality healthcare with dignity and respect. Our friendly team will communicate clearly with you and make sure to involve you in any decisions about your health and wellbeing.

Specialised quality care

Our team of Whangārei doctors, nurses and support staff

Our owner-operated doctors’ clinic in Whangārei has more than 45 dedicated staff, which includes GPs, a health improvement practitioner, registered nurses, paramedics, a pharmacist, travel doctor, a dietician and a health coach. Our services are more comprehensive than most Whangārei doctors offer, which is why people from all over Northland choose Bush Road Medical Centre.

Mission. Values. History.

Empowering Health, Enhancing Lives

Bush Road Medical Centre is a well-established medical clinic located on Three Mile Bush Road in Kamo, Whangārei. We are here to provide you with high quality and comprehensive health care, meeting the needs of Whangārei and Northland’s diverse communities.

As a team, we are committed to providing the best support, care and advice to our communities. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional patient-centred care that prioritises compassion, expertise, and integrity. Our promise is to provide personalised medical services tailored to the unique needs of everyone, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration between patients and healthcare providers.

Bush Road Medical Centre is a busy practice in the heart of Kamo. The clinic has been here to support the Whangārei and Northland community since the 1970s, and it’s our culture that sets us apart. We pride ourselves on our independence and teamwork, communication skills and exceptional patient care. Our team works according to the principals of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti ō Waitangi and will put your health and wellness needs first.

Meet the team

Get to know your Whangārei doctors and the dedicated individuals who make up our compassionate and skilled healthcare team. Each member brings a unique blend of expertise, passion, and commitment to providing exceptional care to our patients.

General Practitioners

Dr Andrew Miller

BSc (Vic), MBChB (Otago), PGDip Health Infomatics, FRZNCGP, FRNZCP (Dist).

Dr Simon Wilkinson

MBChB (Auckland), DA (UK), Dip Obstetrics, Dip Sports Medicine (SMNZ), Post Grad Dip in General Practice (Otago), FRZNCGP.

Dr Geoff Cunningham

B Optometry, MBChB (Otago), Dip Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Dip Paediatrics (Ak), Dip Sports Medicine (Ak), FRZNCGP.

Dr Alistair Dunn

MBChB (Auckland),FRZNCGP, PG Dip Health Sci (Drugs & Addiction), FAChAM.
Specialties include: Vasectomy and Addiction Medicine.

Dr Denise Limby

MBChB (Otago), Diploma Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Auckland), FRZNCGP.
Specialties include: Obstetrics, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Transgender Health.

Member of MEDSAC (Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Aotearoa)

Dr Noriko Noda

MD, PhD (Japan, surgery), FRNCGP.
Can consult in English, Japanese & French
Special interest: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Dr Anna Zender

MBChB (Otago1992), FRNZGP, Dip Paeds (Auckland 1996), Dip OBS (1995), Dip Geriatric medicine (London 1996)

Dr Wendy Hedlund

MBChB (Otago), PGCertTravMed (Postgraduate Certificate in Travel Medicine).

Specialties include: Travel Medicine.

Dr Christopher Poplar

B.M, MRCGP(uk), FRCGPNZ, Dip Nutrition (uk), Dip Obstetrics

Dr Ee Ling Loo

MB BCh BAO (NUI), PG Dip Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology (Otago), DipPaed (Auckland), Cert Skin Cancer Medicine (SCCA), FRNZCGP.

Dr Richard Burgoyne

M.D., Diplomat American Board of Family Physicians

Dr Maik Huneke

General Practitioner

Dr Daniel Unkel

Specialist for General and Family Medicine, Hessian State Chamber of Physicians, Frankfurt am Main Medical Manuel – and Chirotherapy, Medical Acupuncture, Hessian State Chamber of Physicians, Frankfurt am Main

Dr Michael Boaks

Fiona Ross


Primary Care Nurses

Yvonne Olson

Clinical Nurse Manager. NZRN Dip Comp.

Della-Maree Trask

Practice Manager 


Jane Young

BPharm (Hons), PGClinDipPharm, Certified Pharmacogenomics Pharmacist

Estelle Lang

BScPharm (Hons), Comprehensive Pharmaceutical Care, PreKure Certified Health Coach

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